Inspections service

It is very important to remember, that a vehicle inspection is there to make sure that your car is in optimum condition as we’re driving down the street, so that we are not putting ourselves or other people in jeopardy. So, take your safety inspection as seriously as you’d want other drivers to take theirs.

Upon servicing your car we can conduct a vehicle inspection which will include but not limited to:


We Look for cracks, chips, and/or loose seals as these are considered safety hazards.


Check the wear indicator bar on your tires. If the tread is worn down to that point or further, we could recommend to get new tires. The safety check also includes the condition of your spare, so check that as well. Also, make sure the tires on your car are the same size and style.


Brakes are an important safety feature on your car. we check for worn down or not working properly. Have them checked ahead of time and get your brake pads replaced if needed before planning long trips to help it go smoothly and quickly but most importantly, safety of you and your love ones and others.

Our mechanic(s) will service your vehicle brake and emergency brake system if needed.


As a rule, YOU MUST always wear your seat belt when driving, your car’s seat belts have to be easily accessible, in good shape, and in perfect working order. This goes for the back seat as well as the front, so we make sure to check these as well


Fluid leaks could pose a safety hazard to you, your passengers, or other drivers. DO NOT TAKE A CHANCE get it fix right.

THERE IS MANY OTHER INSPECTIONS WE CONDUCT ON YOUR VEHICLE, stop by our shop or schedule an appointment with us to learn more about our services.